Artificial Grass Savings for You

Why is fake grass becoming more popular in residential landscaping areas? There are several reasons. Artificial grass mimics the look of the grass that naturally grows in most areas. It is very easy to care for and can be installed on any type of soil. It also costs less than natural grass. It doesn’t require the use of chemicals or pesticides.


Many homeowners are concerned about fake grass costs. Artificial grass is now a popular option for residential landscaping because it appears to be the real thing, is quite easy to keep clean, and is realistic looking. However, are these really genuine grasses planted without the usage of chemicals or pesticides? The short answer is yes. The average synthetic grass cost is eryuanmous dollars per square foot, which works out to about eryuanmous dollars per acre.

For those who want to know the cost of installing artificial turf, the average cost is actually much lower than the cost of natural grass. Some landscaping companies charge as much as fifty cents per square foot, but others have similar prices. Some homeowners want to install synthetic grass because they don’t want to take care of it like natural grasses need to be cared for. Artificial grasses do not require the tender loving care that natural grass requires. With artificial grass, it is simply cut and put down and forget about it!

Many homeowners who want to install fake grass for low water use, say they don’t want to do the labor required to keep it looking good. They simply install it and then forget about it. But installing artificial turf requires some effort, especially if there are odd paths or patches in your yard. In most cases, homeowners can hire a professional landscaper to get the lay of the land, take care of odd areas and properly string line where there may be spaces. Many homeowners think that laying sod and putting up stakes will be labor, but in most cases, all it takes is a little preparation before installing artificial turf. Even if you hire a professional landscaper, it will still be less expensive to install than natural grass.

The real value of installing artificial turf lies within the economics of the lawn. The cost of artificial grass is very low per square footage, making it a more economical solution than most types of grass. Artificial turf adds 15 percent to the price of your house, but when you factor in that homeowners spend a few minutes doing installation and add up the labor costs over the years, you realize that installing fake grass saves them more than they spend on artificial grass. If you live in an area where it snows or you have trees and bushes blocking the sun from the artificial grass, you will save even more money on this type of system.

Fake grass cost much less than chemical fertilizing, even when you consider the amount of time that it takes to aerate the lawn. Chemical fertilizing can take several months to perform the job that an artificial turf will complete in six to eight weeks. This means that your total cost of installing synthetic lawn will be lower than if you went with chemical fertilizing. Since artificial grass does not require as much aeration, you will also save time because you won’t have to wait to aerate your lawn.

There are other benefits of installing synthetic grass, but the biggest one is its durability. Fake grass does not require that you apply fertilizer and pest control to keep it looking nice. You can simply rake it and remove dead leaves, roots, weeds, etc. without having to invest in chemicals that will harm the environment and could end up costing you more in the long run. An infill system, on the other hand, will require you to apply a weed barrier to keep weeds from getting through the ground and into the infill, which could eventually require application of chemicals.

In the end, if you want to have the look and feel of real grass but save money, fake grass is a better choice. By making your own infill system or by using recycled materials, you will not only save money but also have the look of a professional putting green. Enjoy your backyard and get the exercise you need by choosing a realistic artificial turf instead of chemical fertilizing your lawn.

For fake grass cost, Call Premier Grass today for the best services.