Marble Restoration – An Overview

Here s why marble restoration is vitally important for all kinds of architecture built with marble. Marble restoration properly maintains the original look of historic marble surfaces, which contributes to the beauty of a house. Maintained marble in an elegant museum, educational facility, or government office really speaks of the respect that people who walk into those buildings deserve. Marble restoration maintenance properly restores marble slabs to their original state, providing an impressive look to the building and helping increase its value as well.

Marble surfaces can become dull over time, either from direct exposure to sunlight or from regular use. In either case, it is not a good idea to simply cover the marble surfaces with a coat of paint. While marble may look great when a flat black surface is used, the dark surface will actually reduce the aesthetic value of the marble and cause the surface to become dull. Proper marble restoration, on the other hand, will restore the marble’s original color and brightness.

Marble surface normally becomes dull from regular cleaning. Marble tiles are porous materials and they are especially vulnerable to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. When the marble surfaces are exposed to sunlight for a long period, the tiniest amount of dirt particles can cause darkening and damage to the tiles. Regular cleaning of your marble slabs will not only keep them clean and shiny but will also help in removing the dirt particles from the surface, resulting in a bright and shiny marble surface. If your marble tiles need regular cleaning, you should consider hiring a professional company that deals in marble restoration services.

The most important requirement for marble cleaning is that the surface be thoroughly cleaned and restored to its original brightness. One common mistake in marble cleaning is to apply a mixture of detergents and water to remove the stains and then to rub off the residue left behind by the detergent. This is the wrong procedure. In the first step of marble restoration, the surface must be washed with warm soapy water and then rinsed off with cold water. This will remove all the remaining traces of the detergent and water.

There are cases where the surface has cracks in it. In such cases, the cracks should be repaired by the restoration company before they seal them. Marble repair is a very expensive venture and hence you must take extra care while choosing a company to do the restoration work on your tiles. The first thing that you need to check while hiring a company to repair cracks on your marble floor tiles is whether they have the necessary expertise and equipment to repair the particular problem you have.

Most repairers use heat sealers to bring back the shine to the surface. Heat sealing marble polishing is very effective way of getting that shine back on the surface. Marble sealers will not only save you money but also the effort you would have otherwise required in restoring the floor.

Need marble restoration services? We offer trained heritage restoration services to do your work. Call us today!